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I’m Carlos Mauricio Díaz-Nissen, Ph.D.

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I am a Psychologist from the University of Antioquia, Colombia. I hold a Master degree in Cognition and Communication from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and a Ph.D. in the Learning Sciences from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. I have centred my studies on research in media psychology, particularly video games and cognition. I have ten years of experience in research in the fields of Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, and Media Psychology.

You can also find me online under other names, such as DrKryoDrage, or Isdrage. Or under my former name Carlos Mauricio Castaño Díaz

Home: About Me

My Experience

Roles & Responsibilities

Assistant professor

December 2022 - Present

Assistant professor at the University of Aalborg. Institute of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology (CREATE). Teacher in the Medialogy programs.

External examiner

External examiner for Master Theses at the Masters in Communication, University of Gothenburg.

July 2022

Senior Lecturer

October 2021 - June 2022

Senior Lecturer at the Masters in Communication. Department of Applied IT. University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Teaching courses in Interpersonal Communication, Research Methodologies, and co-teaching Digital Rhetoric and Digital Communication. Masters' theses supervisor.    


February 2022 - Present

Research consultant for the project Research consultant for the project 'Stopp! Min Kropp!'. Rädda Barnen, Sweden.


January 2021- Present

Creator of videos on game analysis where I do Game Based Learning, and Scientific Communication on Psychology, Anthropology, Design, and sometimes other Sciences.
This channel is directed to gamers, parents, and teachers wanting to use games for serious purposes, or people who want to know more about the Psychology behind games.


March 2020 - Present

Affiliated Twitch Streamer at Streaming games while talking about Psychology, Anthropology, Game studies, Design, and other interests.

Tutor in statistics with JASP

Virksomhedspraktik at DPU under coordination of Prof. Andreas Lieberoth. Helping students of Educational Psychology with data analysis for their final assignment

April 2021 - May 2021

Postdoctoral researcher

July 2017 - August 2020

Postdoctoral researcher at Aarhus University, ScienceAtHome group, as lead psychologist in the creation of the game 'Skill Lab: Science Detective', working the game design and cognitive evaluation fronts. 
Cognitive psychology, media psychologists, and ethics for studies within humanities assessor.
Also worked with Citizen Science and SciComm


October 2015 - April 2016

Lecturer of the course 'Introduction to learning, instruction, training and technology' at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


April 2014 - October 2014

Designer and lecturer of the course 'Game design for Learning and Training' at Katholische Stiftungshochschule München.

Educational game designer

June 2009 - July 2010

Researcher and game designer for the program “Aprende a Aprender” (Learn to learn). Educational game designer. Game analyst. Educational videogame designer. Evaluation system designer. Evaluation system analyst.

Research assistant

August 2008 - December 2008

Research Assistant at the Research Centre in Psychology, Cognition, and Culture -University of Valle, Colombia. Data bases Analyst. Revision of texts for its publications. Revision of theoretical backgrounds for researching. PhD and Masters Students’ Assistant.

Research assistant

July 2007 - June 2008

Research Assistant at the Research group in Cognitive Psychology - University of Antioquia. Data bases Analyst, Data bases designer, Application of Psychological tests, Training in development scale application. Text revision for publication and of theoretical framework creation for researching. Research text writing for publication.

Data analyst

April 2006 - August 2006

Data Analyst, database design for the project “Convivencia pacífica mediante el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia en el municipio de envigado”

Administrative assistant

Design and administration of the webpage of the Department of Psychology of the University of Antioquia. Data bases design and administration. Administrative Assistant

January 2005 - June 2007

Home: Education


Learning and Living

Postdoc. Psychological Game Design and Serious Games for Citizen Science.

July 2017 - August 2020

Postdoctoral researcher at Aarhus University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, as PO, PI, game designer, methodological research designer and supervisor, theoretical architect, and ethical advisor of the game 'Skill Lab: Science Detective'.

Ph.D. in the Learning Sciences.

October 2013 - February 20017

Cum Laude Ph.D. in The Learning Sciences at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München -Faculty of Psychology- and the Katholische Stifthochschule München -Faculty of Social work-.
REASON program. In association with the Elite Network of Bavaria and The Munich Center of the Learning Sciences.

MA in Cognition and Communication

August 2010 - May 2012

Master of Arts in Cognition and Communication with emphasis on game design and game analysis at the University of Copenhagen. Faculty of Humanities. Copenhagen, Denmark.


January 2004 - June 2010

Full degree psychologist. Homologated in Denmark under the title of 'Psykolog' (Cand. Mag. Psykologi). Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology, Media Psychology and Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Systems' Engineering

January 2002 - December 2003

Student of System's Engineering at the University of Antioquia, Colombia.
I studied two years and dropped out to change my career to Psychology.

Home: Education

Skill Set

What I Do

Through my educational and professional experiences, I’ve had the opportunity to build a strong, diverse skill set that has proven to be an asset in many different situations. Read below to learn more.

Posing on Sofa

Qualitative research methods

Proficient in data gathering techniques such as ethnomethodology, structured interviews and semi-structured interviews. 
Proficient in Analytic techniques such as content analysis, discourse analysis, and social representations.


Quantitative research methods

Proficient in correlational, descriptive, psychometric, and eye-tracking analysis. Proficient in Data analysis with R.

Image by Tekton

Methodological toolbox

Proficient on methodological research designs such as Exploratory, Documental, Experimental, Quasi-experimental, intervention/impact, microgenetic, and mixed methods research.

Game Controller

Design scholar

Proficient in the psychological principles of design and game design. Game designer of serious games.

Doctor Teaching on Seminar


Proficient in teaching, I follow the principles of Multimedia-based learning, problem-based learning, the ARIPE method, and meaningful learning.

Digital social media

Media and game analysis and rhetoric

Highly proficient in game and media analysis from different perspectives, ranging from psychological to socio-political, to from narratives and game mechanics

Home: Skills

Highlighted articles

My portfolio showcases a handful of my publications. Take a look to get a sense of my skills, experience and approach. To learn more about a specific project, feel free to contact me directly.

Exploratory Study on the Psychological Health of People Under Isolation During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Díaz, C., Berrío, N., Alba-Marrugo, M., Sánchez, J., Marín-Cortés, A. and Tungjitcharoen, W. (2022). Revista Colombiana de Psicología 31(2).

Conceptual review on scientific reasoning and scientific thinking

Díaz, C., Dorner, B., Hussmann, H. & Strijbos J. (2021). Current Psychology.

More than Data Gatherers: Exploring Player Experience in a Citizen Science Game

Díaz, C., Ponti, M., Haikka, P., Basaiawmoit, R. & Sherson, J. (2019) Quality and User Experience 5(1).

Eppur si Muove: Considerations in the research of commercial video games

Díaz, C., Dorner, B., Hussmann, H., & Strijbos, J. (2016). VS-Games 2016. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications. IEEE and ENTI.

Scientific Heroes: Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas foster players' hypothetico-deductive reasoning

Díaz, C., Dorner, B., Hussmann, H., & Strijbos, J. (2015). CHI PLAY 2015. Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. ACM.

Art video games: Ritual communication of feelings in the digital era

Díaz, C. & Tungjitcharoen, W. (2015). Art Video Games: Ritual Communication of Feelings in the Digital Era. Games and Culture, 10(1), 3-34.

Defining and characterizing the concept of Internet Meme

Castaño, D., C.M. (2013). Defining and characterizing the concept of Internet Meme. Revista CES Psicología, 6(2), 82-104

Home: Projects

Recognitions & Awards

Throwing Caps
College Student

Outstanding academic achievement within the Elite Network of Bavaria


Honorific mention: Cum Laude Ph.D. in Learning Sciences.


Denmark Government Scholarships for Non-EU Students


Home: Recognitions
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Interests and Hobbies

2019-12-18 14.07.57.jpg
Image by Caspar Camille Rubin
Playing Video Games


Streaming and YouTubing




2020-07-13 19.43.49.jpg


Home: Interests
Dr. KryoDrage

Dr. KryoDrage

Planning and pattern finding in Ôkami

Exploration, aesthetics, and wholesomeness in New Pokémon Snap

Assimilation, Accommodation, and Creativity in World of Goo

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Two Pens on Notebook

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